Wednesday, 27 February 2008

SESSION 10 - WED 27.02.08

Studio session, recording dialogue and sound effects.

- Because we have been allowed to stay in the studios for the full 3 hours on Wednesdays for the past few weeks, the other group who have stayed in the booths said they needed the studios, so we had to go into the booths from the start of the session.
- As none of us had used the booths before, we spent a while trying to get the desk to work and getting used to the digital fader automation. We asked for help from the tutors, who helped us to get it working.
- We found that once we got used to using the desk, we became very efficient, and it turned out that the booth was ideal for recording dialogue for several reasons:
> Communication between the live room and the control room is easier because the talkback mic can be locked so it's easier to have a conversation/discussion. Also the live room door opens into the control room.
> The transport buttons on the desk make setup, recording and cueing much easier.
> The smaller desk makes the keyboard and mouse easier to reach and use.
> There is less space for people to sit around in the room, so it encouraged us to split up and double our productivity.
> The Mackie digital desk is much simpler to use than the Ghost.
- We stayed in the booth for the whole session.

- Finished recording dialogue for the Teacher and the Kid including grunt sounds for when the teacher falls over in the classroom and slips on the skateboard, and exertion sounds and breaths for when the Kid is climbing the drainpipe.
- Chris and Tom (and Pete) went off to record some sound effects - not sure which ones, but it has helped to make a dent in the amount of sounds we still have to record.

- The majority of the dialogue has now been recorded - remaining parts are the Deep Voice (at the funeral), Trinity, Neo and the small snippets of classmates and other students (such as the girls in the bathroom).
- Dan's girlfriend is available next Wednesday to come in and do the voice of Trinity, which should be fairly quick as it's only one line.
- I am doing the voice acting for the Deep Voice, and so plan to read through the lines before the next session.
- I have backed-up all the dialogue and am going to take it into the labs over the weekend (either Friday or Saturday) and clean it up and edit it so it is organised and ready to be mixed and have reverbs applied etc.

Next studio session is next Wednesday. We have booked time after the tutorial session so will hopefully be in from 10:30-17:30.

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