Wednesday 13 February 2008


Stayed up late last night collating the team's work in the following areas
- compiling cue sheets - reformatting, colour coding, printing
- compiling and analysing skills audit - editing down, writing section for overall team skills/improvements, printing
- resources and work breakdown - formatting, printing
- team photos - printed and attached to contract
- other paperwork e.g. script

When working individually to a template for later compilation, template needs to be more thorough. I produced a short 'brief' for what was needed for the Skills Audit, which made compiling it a lot easier and quicker

Marked by Steve Parker and Justin Morey
We were told at the end that we'd be coming out with a first.

> Best Points
- detail of the cue sheet: the fact that we included Point Of View and that it was categorised and colour coded

> For Improvement

- Gantt chart needed more detail, although it was supported by the resources and work breakdown paperwork
- resources tables could have been laid out differently i.e. not in the six 'minute' sections, maybe categorise the sounds and resources
- cue sheet times could have been done by frame rather than time as they are more likely to be consistent

We need to make sure we don't neglect the Project Management when we start recording and to make full use of all the paperwork we have produced.

- Hand in all paperwork and deliverables to Caedmon reception and upload to X-Stream by Friday
- Group sounds into categories of type
- Organise locations for all categories/sounds - find them and book them

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