Thursday 28 February 2008


In order to import the recorded samples into Kontakt I had to transfer them to wav format. I had a total of almost 100 tracks with as many as 15 samples on each.

I tried to plug the MD recorder into a computer in JG120 via USB but there was no driver installed so I wasn't able to transfer the sample tracks that way.

I was hesitant to immediately capture the samples by taking an audio out into a lab mixing desk as this introduces an additional element of noise which, although small, is not ideal. In the end I had to use this approach and took the signal from the phono output of the MD into a jack input on the desk and patched the signal through to Audition. I then found the loudest sounds and took a level in Audition from them. Once I was satisfied that the signal wasn't going to clip, I clicked 'record' in Audition and pressed 'play' on the MD recorder. I left it to record for 45 minutes whilst I carried on with something else.

I now have a 45-minute wav file of all the samples which I will need to cut up into separate files using Audition.

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