Wednesday 30 January 2008

SESSION 02 - WED 30.01.08

(based in Studio 2)

Matt, Tom, Chris and Pete in studio for first part going through clip, picking out sound effects and creating a basic marker track with the main sound effects on it.
- using Cubase - have used with video before and is compatible with everything we need to import e.g. Kontakt

Kamal and Dan in the Library looking for the script online
- could only find one version of the script, which looked like an inaccurate transcript
- Kamal went through the clip on YouTube and transcribed all of the dialogue

Downloaded assignment brief
- need to print out one or more copies so we can keep referring to it
- there are some deliverables to with planning that we need to get sorted soon (some for the Week 3 presentation) e.g. skills audit, contract, Gantt charts

Discussed production company name
- will be called 'Invisible Sound'
- need to design logo and branding for Week 3 presentation - Dan (& Kamal?)

Meeting planned for tomorrow (Thursday 31st January) between the morning lecture and the afternoon lecture (11.15-13.00) in the Library.

Delegate tasks, allocate roles, make to do list, start to set deadlines.

Take minutes of the meeting.

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