Monday, 3 March 2008

SESSION 11 - MON 03.03.08

I spent most of the session today cutting up the 45-minute wav file which I recorded from the MD into Audition on Thursday. I have been splitting the file up into separate sample files, which I will then batch-process later. I have left a gap of silence on either side of each sample to allow me to capture a noise profile where noise reduction is necessary.

Having watched some of the tutorial videos I am now better aware of the available utilities in Audition which I will be able to use to my advantage. So far I have decided not to use the Auto-Cue to find the phrases as my samples are all very different in type and I will have to spend time going through all of them anyway to adjust the start and end points of the phrases.

Next studio session is Wednesday 10:30-17:30.

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